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Badlands Fence Pull

August 22, 2024  8 am
Kostelecky Ranch
122nd Ave SW, Grassy Butte, ND 58634:

47.4263537, 103.1422239

Bring your own lunch, gloves, sturdy boots, wear long pants, and be ready to work. Logan will provide fencing tools to pull clips.

Call Cara Greger to register at 320-808-4897

or fill the form out below.

Why: To improve his ranching operation for wildlife, Logan wants to take down 3 miles of fence that has caused damage to wildlife and their habitat. He is working with Mule Deer Foundation and North Dakota Wildlife Federation to replace a mile and half of old fence with Wildlife Friendly fence and remove another mile and half of hazardous fence. Logan has seen areas where wildlife were impacted by the old fence and wants to prevent more damage to wildlife by removing unnecessary fences and replacing the needed fences with more wildlife friendly construction.

What: 10 volunteers are needed to help pull fence. We will have 2 Bobcats to work on pulling posts and winding wire. Then volunteers will help pull clips and gather up posts. You will get to work in beautiful country to make it better for mule deer, grouse, pheasants, elk and pronghorn antelope.


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