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Writer's pictureNorth Dakota Wildlife Federation

Habitat and Access: Keys to ND's Outdoor Economy

Hunting and fishing are an essential part of North Dakota’s heritage and contribute billions of dollars to

our state and most importantly our small-town main street economies. Thousands of North Dakota citizens and out-of-state visitors benefit from our fish and wildlife resources. North Dakota is known as a quality outdoor user-friendly State with regulations that complement this recognition. People stay in North Dakota and visit because of our beautiful rural landscapes, habitats that support a wide variety of game and fish, and relatively easy access to hunting and fishing. But habitat loss, reduction in Public Land Open to Sportsman (PLOTS) acres, and now the threat of no-trespass legislation that would limit hunting and fishing opportunities are creating an ominous future for our outdoor opportunities and reputation. Reduced opportunity means reduced economic benefits, particularly to our small towns.

Therefore, state leaders need to recognize this important part of our heritage and economy in their deliberations, and develop and support programs that maintain and improve fish and wildlife habitats, and improve and promote access to these habitats. Habitat and access mean our state will continue to benefit from the billions of dollars that hunting and fishing contribute to our economy.


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